After Wasting Millions
In Taxpayer Money Pressure Is On Robert Mueller To Recuse
Himself And Account For The Money In Crumbling Russia Probe Of Donald Trump
October 27. 2017

Robert S. Mueller
Since 2006, I have been writing about
corrupt former FBI director, Robert S. Mueller. When I was
first interviewed by the FBI twice about
illegal wiretapping and copyright theft in Hollywood,
I discovered the agency was well behind the times in the
area of technology. I wrote and published detailed ideas on
my sites regarding how the FBI could embrace modern
technology, particularly with a proper computer system.
Along the way I discovered just how corrupt
and evil the FBI is and how much taxpayer money they waste
on a regular basis, especially while they were under the
management of thieving Mueller. Tens of millions of dollars
went missing during the computer system's creation and
implementation under Mueller. He also misused a $40,000,000
private jet, which costs $3,000,000 to fuel per flight,
which was meant for FBI agents to use in terrorism missions,
not for Mueller to fly like a billionaire and feast on
gourmet meals. Mueller was publicly chastised by the U.S.
government's inspector general for repeatedly using the
costly private jet, which left FBI agents in the lurch.
Mueller arrogantly acted like he was some big shot CEO
making billions, when he was costing America a fortune.
Mueller repeatedly stayed in the finest
hotel suites possible and ate sumptuous meals at very
expensive restaurants, racking up massive expense accounts
on the U.S. taxpayers tab, only to let the September 11th
terrorist attack happen though an FBI agent warned him 70
times something bad was about to happen. For 4-years Mueller
sat on evidence the 2008 financial crisis was about to
Mueller ignored evidence from Europe warning
about the men who went on to commit the Boston Marathon
bombing. Mueller brushed off warnings from the British
government that university student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
had become a radicalized terrorist, who poses a threat to
America. Abdulmutallab went on to fly into Detroit, Michigan
on a commercial flight with a bomb in his underwear that
thankfully malfunctioned on the airplane and didn't detonate
as planned (it damaged his genitals instead). There are
countless examples of Mueller grotesquely running amok at
the FBI and it costing people their lives, finances, homes
and companies.
He never took the FBI post to help America.
He took the job to help himself to taxpayer money and exert
undue influence over members of Congress, the White House
and the business world. Mueller is a below average, crappy
lawyer, who is power and money hungry. He thinks he should
be living like a tech billionaire, but doesn't have the
budget to do so and relies on the misappropriation of U.S.
tax dollars, financial fraud and bribes to live lavishly.
That is not the definition of a public servant. The man is
an evil degenerate.
Most people have a conscience and could
never financial exploit their nation to the tune of over
$200,000,000, nor behave in such a negligent manner
regarding their nation's national security, but not Mueller,
who is the spawn of the devil. Mueller took America for all
it is worth. The man is a disgusting, greedy, lecherous
thief that has been misappropriating and wasting taxpayer
money for years and is back for more.
Select Democrats in Congress unwisely
brought Mueller back to investigate President Donald Trump
and Russia, as political payback for their candidate,
Hillary Clinton, losing the election. Select lawmakers in
Congress and the Inspector General are once again concerned,
as Mueller has been spending a significant amount of
taxpayer money on an investigation that did not warrant the
funds and is currently crumbling.
Mueller has been using vengeful Clinton's
$9,000,000 dossier on Trump that was illegally paid for
using campaign donations, in violation of FEC rules. What's
even worse for Clinton is the report was compiled with
information that was procured by paying foreign spies from
multiple nations, which is a double crime, in tandem with
the violations of FEC rules. Making payments to a British
spy is one thing - it's illegal but Britain is currently
America's top ally. However, how does Clinton explain that
her campaign donations from unwitting American taxpayers,
illegally paid Russian spies for dirt on Trump that they
could not substantiate with any hard proof. Americans did
not donate their money to Clinton to do that.
It is highly illegal to bribe or submit
undeclared payments to foreign agents, especially spies from
nations considered enemies. The way the Democrats talk,
Russia is America's sworn enemy and one of the nation's
biggest threats. Yet the top Democrat at the time, Clinton,
was illegally and secretly paying Russian spies for
unsubstantiated information on her American political rival,
Both Clinton and Trump have business ties to
Russia, which is not unlawful. Clinton even sold Russia 20%
of America's nuclear uranium while working for President
Barack Obama. If the Democrats were that concerned about the
Russian government during the election, why did they allow
the Obama Administration, via Clinton, who was Secretary of
State, to sell them such a large chunk of nuclear materials,
which could be used to make bombs to blow up America.
Not to mention, what's with all the
self-righteous indignation from select Democrats in Congress
stating the Russian government meddled in the presidential
election by releasing disinformation on social networking
(which isn't a crime), when the federal government has
interfered with elections in Russia, Britain, the Middle
East, South America and the Caribbean, in attempts at
illegally blocking candidates the intelligence community in
Washington did not want in office.
It is well known in international political
circles that
the CIA and FBI have criminally meddled in foreign
elections, tampering with ballot boxes (stealing and dumping
votes), hacking votes and paying people to publicly leak
illegally obtained information on foreign candidates the
federal government did not want elected.
There is no sympathy for Congress in the
political international community regarding claims of
Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election,
because for years a number of nations' elections were
criminally tampered with by the CIA and FBI, costing some
foreign politicians political posts. The CIA and FBI are
consistently making things bad for Americans in the world,
creating preventable animosity towards the nation.
I don't believe for one second the American
people would approve of the illegal ops the CIA and FBI run
in the international community to interfere with foreign
elections and topple governments, among other things. It all
has to do with the CIA and FBI wanting power and control.
When the CIA and FBI go into the world and do these things,
they are not helping the American people who are in the
dark. They are creating unnecessary enemies all over the
For the record, I am of the belief each
election in every nation should be fair, honest and free of
all tampering. Let the will of the people decide.
Mueller is the wrong sleuth when his ex-agency is so
tangled up with Russia.
Oct. 24, 2017 6:17 p.m. ET - Let’s give
plausible accounts of the known facts, then explain why
demands that Robert Mueller recuse himself from the Russia
investigation may not be the fanciful partisan grandstanding
you imagine. Here’s a story consistent with what has been
reported in the press—how reliably reported is uncertain.
Democratic political opponents of Donald
Trump financed a British former spook who spread money among
contacts in Russia, who in turn over drinks solicited
stories from their supposedly “connected” sources in Moscow.
If these people were really connected in any meaningful
sense, then they made sure the stories they spun were
consistent with the interests of the regime, if not actually
scripted by the regime.
The resulting Trump dossier then became a
factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI
counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, and
after the election to trumpet suspicions of Trump collusion
with Russia. We know of a second, possibly even more
consequential way the FBI was effectively a vehicle for
Russian meddling in U.S. politics. Authoritative news
reports say FBI chief James Comey’s intervention in the
Hillary Clinton email matter was prompted by a Russian
intelligence document that his colleagues suspected was a
Russian plant.
OK, Mr. Mueller was a former close colleague
and leader but no longer part of the FBI when these events
occurred. This may or may not make him a questionable person
to lead a Russia-meddling investigation in which the FBI’s
own actions are necessarily a concern. But now we come to
the Rosatom disclosures last week in The Hill, a newspaper
that covers Congress. Here’s another story as plausible as
we can make it based on credible reporting. After the Cold
War, in its own interest, the U.S. wanted to build bridges
to the Russian nuclear establishment. The Putin government,
for national or commercial purposes, agreed and sought to
expand its nuclear business in the U.S.
The purchase and consolidation of certain
assets were facilitated by Canadian entrepreneurs who gave
large sums to the Clinton Foundation, and perhaps arranged a
Bill Clinton speech in Moscow for $500,000. A key
transaction had to be approved by Hillary Clinton’s State
Uranium One Deal: FBI Informant Has Emails & Video
Evidence of Russian Efforts to Win Favor of Clintons (Video)
How come we do not ever hear about these
stories on the MSM like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC? You
can bet if all this evidence would expose President Trump,
Mueller would have the witness parading all over the place
and on every single talk show. But Robert Mueller is
incapable of running a fair and balanced investigation. He
has an agenda and but the truth isn’t it.
In 2009 the FBI had substantial evidence
that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in
bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed
to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the
United States. According to Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA)
an FBI confidential informant holds information about the
handling of a criminal probe linked to a controversial deal
that ceded ownership of U.S. uranium assets to the Russian
Despite an ongoing criminal investigation
into officials working for subsidiaries of Rosatom, the
Russian government entity seeking to acquire ownership of
U.S. uranium, the Obama Administration approved the deal.
The Justice Department has reportedly threatened to
prosecute the informant if he discloses details of his
involvement in the investigation.
“The Executive Branch does not have the
authority to use non-disclosure agreements to avoid
Congressional scrutiny. If the FBI is allowed to contract
itself out of Congressional oversight, it would seriously
undermine our Constitutional system of checks and balances.
The Justice Department needs to work with the Committee to
ensure that witnesses are free to speak without fear,
intimidation or retaliation from law enforcement. Witnesses
who want to talk to Congress should not be gagged and
threatened with prosecution for talking. If that has
happened, senior DOJ leadership needs to fix it and release
the witness from the gag order,” Grassley said.
On Monday John Solomon from Circa News told
Sean Hannity the FBI has emails, audio and video tapes by a
US agent of Russian efforts to win favor with the Clintons
in the Uranium One scandal. Read more at TGP.
Robert Mueller Has Done Work For Michael Flynn And Sony Pictures
In Massive Conflicts Of Interest (Russia Probe)
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Congress And Bush