Abortion Issue In U.S. Health Care
December 24. 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle
Abortion is a sticking point in the current U.S. Health Care bill. It is unconscionable to ask all Americans to pay a monthly fee for
abortion services. It simply is not right, as it goes against millions
of people's convictions.
It's stunning and appalling that such a measure
even made it into the bill, which so brazenly goes against scores of
people's religious beliefs. That is literally asking people to pay money for the
murder of little, unborn, but not unalive babies.
Abortion looms as possible block to
health bill
Dec 23, 5:49 PM (ET) - WASHINGTON (AP) -
The way abortions are covered under health care reform is a major
obstacle to finalizing the legislation, even though the House and Senate
both agree that no federal money should be used.
The stumbling block is whether insurance
plans that get federal money are completely barred from covering
abortions, or whether they can cover it as long as they require
customers to write separate checks for the procedure using their own