ABC News Gave Casey Anthony $200,000
Which Derailed Justice For Murdered 4-Year-Old Caylee Anthony
April 20. 2012

Girl, we're gonna get paid!
Sometimes it is not always best to be the first to break or land a
story. One has to use proper judgment in determining whether an
exclusive is really worth that which is attached to it. This is the case
regarding, Casey Anthony, who was put on trial for murdering her
beautiful 4-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony.
ABC News desperately wanted the exclusive sit down with Casey Anthony
and paid her $200,000 for the dishonor, along with a set of photographs
of herself with little Caylee. ABC News in return received higher
viewing numbers and internet page views. Regrettably, paying an accused
killer $200,000 as she lies in court to free herself, was not a good

Caylee Anthony
Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez revealed this week, the money from ABC
News was used to mount a strong defense in court, which essentially
bought Casey her freedom and angered the nation. Baez stated, "She had
photographs of her and her child, and a network paid us $200,000 so we
could mount a proper defense."
As a result, the true victim in the case, Caylee Anthony, was denied
justice and that is tragic and heartbreaking. May God's justice prevail
in the case, as all else has failed.
Anthony And Her Family Are Demanding A Lot Of Money For Interviews
After Toddler's Murder
Casey Anthony Walks Free
Wipes Smirk Of Casey Anthony's Smug Face At Sentencing
Is Casey Anthony Smiling In Court
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