ABC: Hillary
Takes Swipe At Chelsea's Profession
February 20. 2008

Proof positive that Hillary Clinton doesn't know
what she's talking about, spouting off any old hypocritical
thing she thinks the public wants to hear in her bid for the
nomination, came in the form of a quote where she slammed her
only child's profession.

Bill: Hey,
there's Monica! I see you girl!
Hillary: I'll call you later
Chelsea: these two are so messed up. It's a wonder I'm not in
therapy 24/7
It's quite ungrateful of Hillary considering her
daughter Chelsea has been spotted wining and dining
super-delegates and in another incident, passing out donuts to
at a polling station.

Chelsea: mommy
made me do it!
This caused criticism in the mainstream
press, as family members of candidates aren't supposed to be
inside polling stations during Primary voting hours. Facing
press criticism, it was claimed by the Clinton camp that Chelsea
dashed out right before the polling station opened.
"Real 'Work'? Clinton Swipes at
Chelsea's Profession"
February 19, 2008 4:48 PM - ABC
News' Jennifer Parker and Eloise Harper Report: Sen. Hillary
Clinton took a swipe at her daughter's profession today at an
economic roundtable discussion at a restaurant in Parma, Ohio,
suggesting wealthy investment bankers and hedge fund managers on
Wall Street aren't doing real 'work.'
The former first lady's daughter,
Chelsea Clinton, works for New York-based hedge fund Avenue
Capital Group. She previously worked in New York for McKinsey &
Company, her first job after graduating with her master's degree
from Oxford University.