A Female Soldier Becomes
The Fifth Woman To Accuse Senator Al Franken Of Sexual
December 2. 2017

Al Franken
Former Hollywood actor turned U.S. senator,
Al Franken, is currently embroiled in a scandal for sexually
assaulting women. A fifth woman has come forward stating
Franken sexually assaulted her. 41-year-old U.S. army
veteran, Stephanie Kemplin, stated Franken groped her breast
during a USO tour with the troops.
Kemplin stated of Franken, "When he put his
arm around me, he groped my right breast. He kept his hand
all the way over on my breast. I’ve never had a man put
their arm around me and then cup my breast. So he was
holding my breast on the side. I remember clenching up and
how you just feel yourself flushed. And I remember thinking
— is he going to move his hand? Was it an accident? Was he
going to move his hand? He never moved his hand. It was long
enough that he should have known if it was an accident. I’m
very confident saying that."
Ironically, Franken refuses to quit Congress
and this is despite the fact he is currently under
investigation by the legislature for sexual misconduct.
Franken continuing in Congress does not set a good example.
Sexual assault is a crime. Franken does not follow the rule
of law. Therefore, Franken should not be responsible for
assisting in passing laws in Congress. His judgment is very
flawed, as is his character.
Al Franken Accused of Groping Female Army Officer on
2003 USO Tour
November 30, 2017 - A U.S. Army veteran has
accused Sen. Al Franken (D – Minnesota) of groping her
during a 2003 USO tour, the fifth woman to claim that the
former “SNL” star behaved inappropriately. Stephanie Kemplin,
a 41-year-old Ohio resident told CNN in a report published
Thursday that the incident happened during a photo-op while
she was stationed in the Middle East as an Army officer...
Two More Women Come Forward Stating Senator Al Franken
Inappropriately Touched Them Bringing The Talley To Four
Hollywood Actor And U.S. Senator Al Franken Has Been Sexually
Assaulting Women