Dead In Jamaica After U.S. DOJ Extradition Demand
May 28. 2010

Jamaican authorities in front of a mural of
Prime Minister Bruce Golding
Amnesty International has stated it seeks to
investigate the number of deaths in the small Tivoli Gardens
community of Kingston, Jamaica, in the wake of the U.S. extradition
demand, for drug suspect Christopher Michael Coke A/K/A "Dudus."
The Obama administration has shown Jamaica great ill-will in how it
went about it, ignoring numerous warnings and pleas from community
activists, that improper handling of the extradition, would result
in casualties to innocent people.
Thus far, 73 people have died, among them Jamaican
soldiers, police and civilians, as the island's authorities attempt
to extract fugitive, Christopher Michael Coke, for extradition to
the United States of America.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
To put pressure on the Jamaican government to
achieve the extradition, which the island's reigning political party
disputed, due to U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, submitting
"illegal wiretaps" as evidence, the Obama administration
began harassing law abiding Jamaican-American citizens in America,
in the hope they would complain to their family, friends, business
associates and the government in Jamaica, to extract and send
Christopher Michael Coke to America.
Wealthy and middle class Jamaican businesspeople,
who do not live in America, also saw their visas vindictively
cancelled by the Obama administration, for no reason and without
explanation, in acts that not only hurt the Jamaican economy, but
the U.S. one as well, as these are men and women from the island
that visit on regular business trips and buy American products in
bulk, then ship them back to Jamaica for sale in the
This form of trade represents millions to the U.S.
economy and the Jamaican one as well. These businesspeople began to
complain to the government and publicly regarding the unprovoked
mistreatment, as they have nothing to do with Christopher Michael Coke.
Mr. Holder, with his Billy Dee mustache,
runs amok in
Congress. The Judiciary Report is confident, Billy Dee Williams,
would have carried himself better in Congress and not incurred
constant brain freezes
questioned by senators.

Mr. Holder experiencing a brain freeze in
The majority of the island does not support the
drugs and violence associated with these gangs, such as the one
Christopher Michael Coke runs and want it gone from the country.
However, it is not as easy as it looks, which is evident by the
number of ongoing deaths in America's extradition bid for
Christopher Michael Coke.
Usually, when two world governments have a dispute,
they kick out diplomats and ambassadors as a negative gesture, until
things are resolved to their satisfaction. They do not cancel the visas
of businesspeople that have nothing to do with the dispute and
harass and abuse naturalized, innocent citizens in their nation from
the foreign nation.
The Obama administration has set a new low, which
has cost the U.S. economy money. But with the way he excessively
spends U.S. taxpayer money, Obama clearly is not concerned with the

Most Jamaicans do not even know Christopher Michael
Coke and similar gangs personally, as they operate in apart of
Kingston, that is the equivalent of the U.S. projects in New
York or Compton, California.
As a matter of fact, when the U.S. Department of
Justice, on Eric Holder's instruction, went public with the
extradition request for Christopher Michael Coke, it marked the
first time many Jamaicans in Jamaica, America, Britain, Canada and
other countries, heard of him.
He is not a towering figure all over
Jamaica. He is well known in the particular downtown ghetto he
ensconced himself. A Nino Brown, if you will ("New Jack
For the Obama administration to label Jamaica a
"narco-state" and attempt to paint a horrendous,
unbalanced portrait of the island in the press, is the U.S.
equivalent of stating, every American supports the Crips, Bloods and
MS-13 street gangs, who are actively engaging in massive gun, human
and drug trafficking. At the end of the day, most Americans do not
personally know or condone the conduct of the Crips, Bloods and
MS-13 street gangs.
In the Obama administration attempting to improperly
extract Christopher Michael Coke, via "illegal wiretaps"
and by harassing and mistreating law abiding Jamaicans and
Jamaican-Americans who have nothing to do with him, damaging the Jamaican
economy, while defaming the entire island through the U.S.
government's mouthpiece, the Associated Press, the Jamaican
government was pushed into a terrible corner and had to use the
limited resources available in trying to apprehend the suspect.
The Jamaican police and military have been fighting
against a street gang that obtained weapons and amour piercing
bullets from America, that can penetrate police officers'
bulletproof vests and other protective gear (Jamaica does not
manufacture weapons).
In spite of the fact the Jamaican government sent
buses to the Tivoli Gardens ghetto, begging civilians to come out
before they go in, via a bid to extract Christopher Michael Coke,
some did and some did not. Some stayed with their properties
underestimating the danger, while others stayed out of fear, as they
were told by the gang if they go on the buses, they should leave
their house keys and not return.
Thus far, 73 civilians, police officers and soldiers
are dead. 500 people have been arrested, but Christopher Michael
Coke, who is clearly in hiding somewhere, remains a fugitive. The
government has been imploring him for days to turn himself in.
The Obama Administration forced this terrible scenario
and dozens of Jamaicans have died for it and it's not like the U.S.
Justice Department and President Obama didn't know, as they were
months in advance by this site and community activists (See
a small sampling of the Judiciary Report's website statistics below,
revealing the U.S. DOJ and FBI regularly read this website). I hope
the Justice Department and FBI are happy now (sarcasm).

Therefore, what would Amnesty International have had
the Jamaican government do, in the face of the bullying, threats and
abuse from the Obama Administration, which has effected innocent
Jamaican-Americans in the United States and Jamaicans that live on
the island permanently, who have nothing to do with Christopher
Michael Coke and his gang?
For the Obama administration to have forced this
issue in such a manner, barking at the Jamaican government to get
the suspect and get him now or else, when thousands of fugitives in
America have not been apprehended, as it is not as easy as it looks,
is hypocritical.
Look how many people the U.S. FBI, ATF and SWAT have
searched for in America for years and have been unsuccessful in
apprehending. Yes, they have apprehended many, but thousands of
criminals still remain at large. That is the nature of police work.
You do what you can and accept your successes and defeats.
The Jamaican Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, is the
head of the Jamaica Labour Party, which is not even my family's
political party, as my relatives belong to the opposition, the
People's National Party, but at the end of the day, all politics
aside, as a human being, I denounce the Obama Administration's poor
handling of this extradition, as they were warned well in advance
this could happen, but forced these innocent casualties, via
arrogance in how they demanded this guy and began abusing innocent
Jamaicans as the way to extradite him, which is wrong.
If the tables were turned and another world
government anywhere in the world, did that to the Obama
administration, via abusing innocent Americans who did no wrong, he
would be outraged, denounce it and label said conduct human rights