72 Virgins?
December 28. 2009

Umar Farouk
AbdulMutallab being arrested
I just had a thought. What's Umar Abdulmutallab going to do with the
so-called "72 virgins" after the bomb he tried to ignite on a Christmas
2009 flight, misfired and burned up his family
There are no "72 virgins." It's a story made up to dupe
Muslims into
criminal acts. Furthermore, what kind of man needs 72 vaginas. That's
just greedy!
Umar Abdulmutallab came from a wealthy family, lived in
a $4,000,000 London apartment and was sent to a good university, but
threw it all away to follow the misguided teachings of Al Qaeda, a
terrorist group and Boko Haram, an extremist Muslim sect the Nigerian
Information Minister, Dora Akunyili, accused of brainwashing youths.
It would appear so, as Abdulmutallab displayed all the
signs of brainwashing, illustrated by passenger reports of
his blank staring and unresponsiveness to stimuli. He became radicalized by Muslim extremists at a London
university, which led him to Al Qaeda and now life imprisonment.