700 Billion Dollar Bailout Bill
Stock Market Makes Biggest Plunge In U.S. History - Drops 777 Points
Back To The Drawing Board For
The Bill
Black Monday Part 2
September 29. 2008

Treasury Chief, Henry Paulson,
pictured above flanked by U.S. Senators. I remember in
July 2008 he stated the markets weren't that bad and
would correct themselves in a few months, implying economists
and pundits were overreacting.
I wrote in that article
two months ago, "This is not a problem the current administration will solve by the time Bush
leaves office, as the damage is so far reaching. A follow up a few months from
now by analysts and market speculators will reflect that."
Now he's sounding a dire alarm two months later, as Bush's
presidency expires in 36 days.
The proposed, dizzying $700 billion bailout bill that would in essence have
provided a cash infusion to Wall Street, failed in the House Of
Representatives today. President Bush and Wall Street are very
upset at the news. By all accounts, the bill failed to garner
enough Republican support to get it approved.
President Bush asked for the bill, but according to the stats
released today at a press conference, his Republican contingent
in Congress overwhelmingly rejected it. According to reports 133
in Congress
voted no with 65 voting yes. While 140 Democrats voted yes
and 95 no.

Too many false alarms destroyed President George W. Bush's
credibility, from alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq to Patriot Act abuses
at home and thus
many of his fellow Republicans ignored his dire pleas for
passage of the bailout bill today. Maybe they know their boy too well.
Either way you slice it, there is a problem.
He overspent and under-planned during his administration,
engaging in corruption at every turn, partaking in outlandish
acts of treason against the Constitution.
It is clear he
is mentally ill and it is very sad what he and his cohorts
(Cheney and others) have done to the nation and the world.

Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, is being blamed by Rep.
Boehner and his fellow
Republicans for "poisoning the vote" with an incendiary
speech she made before the proceedings, condemning George Bush
and his party's reckless spending, that
wiped out the financial surpluses former President Bill Clinton
left behind, leading to the current crisis.

While I don't agree with Pelosi's beliefs and some of her
conduct in other things, it's not like she lied this time. Bill
"Bubba" Clinton left big surpluses behind.
This is established fact.
The Treasury was bursting with money...that deceitful George
Bush obliterated on foolishness that has amounted to nothing.
lied to get his way in the world and the fallout from it is
horrible. He traded on his family's name, especially his
father's reputation and turned out to be a complete lunatic with
a greedy streak so strong and virulent, it has just about
financially wiped out America.

John McCain (Republican) and Barack Obama (Democrat). Both candidates supported
the bailout:
McCain, Obama in cautious
support for bailout
September 29 2008 at 07:26AM -
Washington - Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama
have tentatively supported the $700-billion plan to bail out the
United States financial system.
"This is something that all of us
will swallow hard and go forward with," McCain said on ABC's
This Week. "The option of doing nothing is simply not an
acceptable option."
"My inclination is to support it,"
said Obama, his Democratic rival in the November 4 US
presidential election. "While I look forward to reviewing
the language of the legislation, it appears that the tentative
deal embraces these principles,"...