40% Of People Who
Died From COVID In Maryland Were Fully Vaccinated
October 26. 2021

America is the only country with a
senile president. Most of the time he doesn't
remember where he is, what he is talking about or
his job position
Reports indicate 40% of COVID deaths
in the U.S. state of Maryland were of fully
vaccinated people. I did state this would be the
case regarding the fully vaccinated dying from the
virus anyway and it has been happening as I
previously predicted (Fully Vaccinated Doctor From New
Jersey's Rutgers Medical School Dies Of Covid In His Native India
and A Fully Vaccinated Person In Texas
Dies Of Covid-19 Confirming Previous Site Claims and
9,245 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Tested
Positive For Coronavirus And 132 Died Of Covid-19).
The stats out of Maryland, among
other places, destroys President Joe Biden's
argument that coronavirus vaccines prevent sickness,
hospitalization and death. The president's team
keeps spinning the numbers and moving the goalposts,
but the facts speak for themselves.
The Biden administration has gotten
everything wrong regarding COVID-19 and that's
alarming coming from a government. It wouldn't be
so bad if so many lives were not at stake. However,
this is a matter of life and death, and the Biden
administration has no answers.
They wanted to be in power so badly
that they did anything to get it. Now they have it
and they are failing in the worst way possible. I
said this was going to happen (Joe
Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)
America Is Experiencing A Dire
10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New
Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To
Take Off Their Masks).
Tucker Carlson: America Has Become Segregated
Between Clean And Unclean
On Date October 19, 2021 - Tucker Carlson's
opening commentary on the October 18, 2021 edition
of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
TUCKER CARLSON: A lot has changed in
the years since, and that's one of the reasons that
Colin Powell’s death tonight is so poignant. Like
almost everyone his age, Colin Powell was fully
vaccinated against COVID, and yet, according to his
family and doctors, Colin Powell died of COVID. Of
course, that fact does not make his death any less
sad. Nor is it unusual. Many thousands of vaccinated
Americans have died of COVID. Former CDC Director
Robert Redfield announced just today that about
40 percent of all recent COVID deaths in the state
of Maryland, for example, are among those who have
had both shots.
So what does that tell you exactly?
What tells you you've been lied to? Vaccines may be
highly useful for some people, but across the
population, they do not solve COVID. That's not
speculation. It is an observable fact. People have
been fully vaccinated can still get the virus. They
can still transmit the virus to others, and they can
still die from COVID. Colin Powell is hardly the
only example of that.
Fully Vaccinated Bartender Who
Berated The Public On Social Networking For Not Getting Vaccines Dies Of
Coronavirus A Month Later
Fully Vaccinated Doctor From New
Jersey's Rutgers Medical School Dies Of Covid In His Native India
Former U.S. Secretary Of State Colin
Powell Dies After Receiving Coronavirus Vaccine