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World Nations Form Alliance To Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will Cost America Trillions In Revenues

April 7. 2023

U.S. President Joe Biden (right) saw his dementia kick in right in front of the cameras when he accidentally praised China rather than Canada in a recent interview. China's President Xi Jinping is pictured on the left. Photo and caption from Twitter.

The U.S. economy has taken a terrible and unnecessary hit domestically and in the world, due to President Joe Biden's awful political and economic policies. America is currently burdened with record inflation that has Americans losing their houses, rental apartments, cars, jobs and credit cards. Some have filed for bankruptcy, while others are living out of their cars. Homelessness has increased in America under Biden.

Recently, three large U.S. banks collapsed out of nowhere and it shook world confidence in America (Three Prominent American Banks Collapse Under President Joe Biden's Watch (Video) ). Then America's credit rating was downgraded. Now comes another financial problem, all due to Biden and his economic foolishness, via the U.S. dollar taking a hit.

For several decades the U.S. dollar has been the currency of choice in the world. It was the most sought after currency for international trade, occupying a prestigious spot in global markets. However, due to President Biden's mismanagement of the economy and his horrible lack of diplomatic skills in the world, prominent nations have now taken the unprecedented step of dropping the U.S. dollar as the currency of choice for trade in the world. The economic implications of this decision are detrimental for America.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump is angry about America's sudden decline in the world, which he stated he undoing all the work he did in office

It is all based on the simple fact world governments have come to the horrible realization that Biden has an agenda that is unbalanced, unreasonable and unsound, which poses a danger to America and the world. World governments have come to the consensus they cannot trust Biden, as he doesn't know what he is doing, has been suffering from cognitive decline, and is crazy to boot.

China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa have formed an alliance to create an international currency to replace the U.S. dollar in world trade. This is bad news for the U.S. economy. These nations represent billions of the world's citizens and many trillions in wealth. Days after the announcement, news broke that Japan, Ghana and Kenya also seek to join them. Mexico is also making moves to join the BRIC states.

America being removed as the currency of choice for trade in the world represents a fortune lost in currency exchange fees, and additional economic opportunities to American businesses that come with being the world's default currency. This is a big blow to America, as an astronomical amount of money is being lost. It will cost American businesses more money to engage in trade in the world, especially obtaining raw materials and products to resell, and massively eat into revenues.

Heads of state from Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa and India (BRIC nations) have formed an alliance regarding starting a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar in the world. Other nations have expressed a desire to join the venture.

China has gone full speed ahead in cementing itself as the global leader (China Overtakes America As The Richest Nation In The World Confirming Previous Site Claims). Fair play to them, as they worked hard for it. However, it was stupid of the Biden administration to throw away America's lead and advantage in the world on his dumb "new world order" gamble that I warned was not going to pan out and keeps proving it is NOT panning out (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About (Videos) and America Is Being Sabotaged From Within (Video)). Biden is not dealing in sound economics. He is using rituals, superstition and outdated political themes.

I've stated for over a year on this site that America is no longer the leader of the free world, all thanks to Joe Biden (2,500 Dead And Thousands Of Americans Left Behind Due To President Joe Biden's Botched Handling Of America's Exit From The Afghanistan War and President Joe Biden's Dementia On Full Display Again As He States His Son Beau Biden Died In Iraq During The War When In Actuality He Passed Away Years Later Due To Cancer (Videos)). This week's news regarding the U.S. dollar being dropped as the main currency for trade in the world, constitutes additional, compelling evidence regarding my previous claims.

The world is moving on without American leadership, just as I had warned would happen, because the Democrats have unwisely placed Biden, a dementia plagued figurehead in office, who is running amok at every turn, all so former President Barack Obama could have an illegal third term in office (and he's pushing for an illegal fourth term via trying to get practically brain-dead Biden reelected).

Former U.S. President Barack Obama has been on the campaign trail all over America like he's the one running for reelection)

Every week it is pure foolishness coming out of his mouth and for all the world to see, because Biden loves attention, is mentally ill, and his mind is gone. If he's not saying something foolish and alarming, he's doing something troubling and unsettling. Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is an intelligent woman, has been reduced to playing babysitter for Biden, while Obama pulls the strings in the background.

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing in that administration, as it has two leaders (Biden and Obama). Biden's dementia is so bad he thinks Kamala is the President and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, his sister (U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The President). How can a president properly function and do his duties under such an intense brain fog. It is an insult to the nation that this charade and scam is going on. The world has caught on and wants none of it.

I warned this was causing offense in the international community among world leaders who have stopped looking to America for guidance and leadership, as Biden is not of sound mind. I also warned on this site that America was being left out of key decisions in the world due to Biden visibly having dementia. Now you see it for yourselves.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama

Intelligent world leaders are not going to follow a mentally incapacitated man, who is also a power hungry maniac (Biden) and risk their nations' individual and or collective futures on him. I warned there would be global consequences for America for having a dementia patient as President of the United States. Now it is materializing for all to see regarding this week's currency announcement.

The dollar losing its prestige internationally means America's economic decline in the world and massive revenue losses related to this financial deterioration. All so Biden could be President at all costs and Obama gets to live out an illegal third term in office.

 There's no way to pretty up the story regarding America's decline, even though I'm sure the Biden administration will try to do so. Biden is not greater than America, yet the country's future is being risked due to having him in office. Vote him out (and Obama by default) as his reign is only going to get worse.


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