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Robert Mueller Violates The Privacy Of 2-Year-Old Godson Of Donald Trump Political Adviser Roger Stone

August 4. 2018

Roger Stone post on Instagram.com about his godson and Kristen Davis (pictured above)

On July 31, 2018, Roger Stone, the political adviser of U.S. President Donald Trump, posted an item to the social networking website Instagram.com stating special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, has been harassing his friend Kristen Davis and her 2-year-old son. Mueller was wrongly investigating the toddler as Stone's son. However, Stone has stated he is the child's godfather.

Stone stated on Instagram of Mueller's intrusion into the child's life, "Why do FBI agents dispatched by Robert Mueller keep asking a number of my current and former associates if I am this baby's father? What does this have to do with Russian Collusion and the 2016 election #witchhunt #thugtactic #mueller #gestapo #partisan."

The day prior to Stone's aforementioned post on Instagram, I warned about vile Mueller and the FBI spying on people's children in illegal investigations in America and Britain, using them as leverage, which caused harm to the minors after they were confronted in a threatening manner and told terrible things by FBI agents trespassing on school grounds (in separate incidents), resulting in one of the young teens having a mental breakdown, becoming suicidal and being hospitalized (Robert Mueller Stalked Donald Trump Jr To The Airport).

Again we see Mueller and the FBI, engaging in a grotesque waste of American taxpayer money in illegally investigating the toddler (pictured above), of all people. What does the toddler have to do with the deceitful investigation into the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, in which Mueller states some in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. What does the toddler have to do with the Russian government hacking into the computers of the DNC and failed candidate Hillary Clinton. How is the 2-year-old an enemy of the state.

Mueller has been investigating the toddler looking for something to use to blackmail Stone with and under U.S. law that is illegal and criminally outside the scope of what the Attorney General could authorize him to do. No Attorney General, no president, no Congress could lawfully authorize Mueller to improperly investigate a child, especially searching for items to use for blackmail and coercion, in an out of control, deceptive investigation not seeking the truth, but any means of dirt to control a president, who refuses to be controlled by the powers-that-be in Washington. Call it what it is. 

madman Mueller (on the far left) stalked Donald Trump Jr (on the right flanked by Secret Service) to the airport

Mueller has spent $17,000,000 in taxpayer money to tell you guys what I told you for free before the investigation even began - Russia hacked the DNC and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (12 Russian Military Officers Indicted For Hacking Into DNC And Hillary Clinton Computers (Video)).

Some may be pondering how I knew in advance. I assure you it wasn't through questionable means. It was deductive reasoning. I didn't think it was China, as their trade has been so lucrative and they have such an advantage in the world as a new superpower, a win by either candidate would not have been a source of alarm for them (even the new tariffs Trump has enacted this summer, China quickly matched).

I didn't think it was North Korea's Kim Jong Un, cause he's too busy at the buffet and the barber (that was a little joke). My instincts were telling me it was Russia who did the hacking. It made sense. Russia has the sophistication to pull off a hack of that level into the DNC (not to mention, Hillary "She's not Bill Gates" Clinton, by her own admission had no computer security while mishandling U.S. national secrets).

Clinton had ticked off the Russian government when she was U.S. Secretary of State under former President Barack Obama. A Trump win would mean a reset between America and Russia. This is what the Russian government wants. They want existing sanctions lifted and new trade deals with America. It is the job of governments of all world nations to pursue trade deals to boost their respective economies. There's nothing illegal or strange about that.

The Russian government exposed Clinton online via some of the dirt they have on her, which they made public, as did people in America and other parts of the world who she's burned, and it cost her votes. Clinton has made many legit enemies, most of whom are American, such as victims from her time as a lawyer (Hillary Clinton Laughed While Getting Charges Dismissed Against 41-Year-Old Pedophile She Knew Was Guilty Of Raping A 12-Year-Old Girl). When it came time for the election, Clinton's enemies let her have it, airing their grievances with her and her dirty laundry.

The women Clinton sent violent, psychotic Hollywood private investigator Anthony Pellicano after, for accurately accusing her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, of adultery, do not like her and spoke out during the election as well, costing her votes, as she was abusive with them. There are also millions of Americans that don't like Clinton from her actions during her husband's time in office. Clinton acts as though she is Mary Poppins and is bewildered that anyone could have possibly decided against voting for her, when she has more enemies than King Kong.

Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller was previously diagnosed with prostate cancer (in 2001) and he has been looking unwell in recent television appearances

I'm a private citizen who is not a spy and has never worked for any government anywhere in the world, but I'm privy to illegal things Clinton did when she hired private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, whom the FBI interviewed me about twice on a Hollywood related matter that sent him to prison, and I'm not a fan of Clinton, due to her misconduct. I didn't vote for her. I wanted Bernie Sanders to get the nomination, but Clinton stole it from him (another thing I am not fond of Clinton for). She robbed a man of his place in world history. She got what she deserved in losing the election.

So, there's me, the victims of Clinton when she was a lawyer, her husband's mistresses she sicced psycho Pellicano on, the people of Haiti and other nations she defrauded, and people who dislike her from her husband's days in office.  Does Clinton want to accuse all of us of colluding with Russians we don't even know, in a "vast right wing conspiracy" to keep her out of office or would she like to admit the obvious, many people dislike her over her unethical actions that harmed others and didn't vote for her during the election. Once again, Clinton is no Mother Theresa.

The U.S. government has repeatedly stated the Russian government did not hack the vote. The Russian government exposed Clinton's dirt, with the goal of Trump winning. Clinton also lost the election, as she pursued the popular vote to avoid an Al Gore scenario (2000 election), rather than the electoral count (270 majority of the 538 electoral votes). The latter is needed to win the election.

The Russian government wanted Trump to be elected, after a sour relationship with Hillary Clinton, who sold them 20% of America's nuclear uranium, which is now under criminal investigation in a separate U.S. government probe, being handled by someone other than Mueller (as Mueller was involved in the uranium deal).


Robert Mueller Has Reportedly Spoken with the ‘Manhattan Madam’

1:17 pm, August 3rd, 2018 - CNN is reporting that special counsel Robert Mueller‘s team has interviewed the former aide of Roger Stone known as the “Manhattan Madam” and is interested in having her testify before a grand jury as part of his Russia investigation.

TMZ reported two weeks ago that Davis, the so-called “Manhattan Madam” who was connected to the infamous Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal and served jail time, was going to be subpoenaed by Mueller. It was later clarified that he planned on doing so. Now it’s being reported that Davis met with Mueller’s team for a voluntary interview on Wednesday.

CNN said Davis, Stone and the special counsel have all declined to comment on the report. Previously, Davis released a statement saying, she and Stone “are very good friends and she has worked on and off for him for the last 10 years.” “Roger is the godfather to her son. She is currently in the cosmetology business and she knows nothing whatsoever about Russian collusion with the 2016 election,” she said...


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