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The King And Kennedy Assassinations

January 12. 2010

 Martin Luther King Jr (left) and Robert F Kennedy (right)

When the late, Robert F. Kennedy, signed the J. Edgar Hoover/FBI document granting his consent as attorney general, for the despicable agency to spy on, harass and terrorize the late, great Martin Luther King Jr., he was essentially signing the civil rights leader's death warrant.

Robert F Kennedy

Out of sheer evil, the FBI even sent King a suicide note, urging him to kill himself. The FBI/DOJ's violation of King's rights went on for years, to the day he was murdered by the cowards.

Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

FBI agents, scholars and analysts, have since come forward claiming there was an FBI conspiracy to kill King, with the assassination executed by a commissioned killer.

However, as God illustrates in the Bible, whatever a person does comes back to him ("You reap what you sow"). God also warned in the Bible that people were not to harm his "prophets" and preachers, as He would punish them for it (i.e. Pharoah).


Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral

It's ironic that three months after, Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered by an FBI chosen assassin on April 4, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, the man who gave the FBI authorization to terrorize and spy on King at every turn with wiretaps, surveillance bugs and stalking, ultimately murdering him, was himself assassination on June 6, 1968. One has to wonder as well if this is the source of the alleged "Kennedy curse" (King was terrorized for years prior to his death).

Murder and violence are wrong. This website denounces it. But one can't help but look at the stunning sequence of events that encompassed their lives.

Robert F. Kennedy assassinated

Today, all over the world, King is remembered as a great man, the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover as the perverted fruitcake that spied on him, one of the greatest men that ever lived, whilst he (Hoover) wore pink dresses in secret and lived with his homosexual lover (Clyde Tolson) and Robert F. Kennedy's legacy is tarnished for having signed that document, granting the FBI the legal right to do the unthinkable. History will never forget it.

J. Edgar Hoover (left)

However, I suspect, had Kennedy known King would go on to be a very great man, embedded in world history, as a cherished hero, he would not have signed that fatal document. But isn't that how history always works (rhetorical). That is why integrity is essential today, lest character failures disgrace you tomorrow and forevermore.  




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