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FBI Busts Terrorist Wannabes

New York Plot Foiled

June 4. 2007

Press Conference At The FBI Office In New York [Photo credit: New York Times]

The FBI arrested three men who were allegedly plotting an unfeasible, unscientific terrorist attack on JFK airport in New York. While it is good that they have been arrested, as acts of terrorism against any country is wrong, these men are clearly the Britney Spears of terrorists and not the real deal...once again, as I remarked on this site a month ago, regarding the types of people being caught by the Feds.

Experts have publicly stated the plan would not have worked. While an official basically rubbished their terrorist credentials. 

"One law enforcement official played down Mr. Defreitas’s ability to carry out an attack, calling him “a sad sack” and “not a Grade A terrorist.” Comparing the case with the plot in which a group of men were arrested last month on charges of planning to attack soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey, the official said the New Jersey plotters “were a bit further along.” - New York Times

In a somewhat related matter. The government keeps publicly questioning the surge in homegrown terrorism, such as the Miami 7. The answer to that is a four letter word: IRAQ.

It has created sympathizers all over the world that fall into different categories. Not all sympathizers are terrorists, but they certainly cover the spectrum.

1. Those who oppose the war and feel sympathy for dying civilians and U.S. and British troops. Generally, not harmful.

2. Those who oppose the war and hate the government for it (they can be found online vocally wishing members of government dead).

3. Those who oppose the war and want to violently do something about it (terrorist wannabes).

4. Terrorists living in America.

5. Terrorists living in other countries.



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